Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming



Lesson outline

Why Object Oriented Programming ?

becuse there is so many benefit over procedural programming , which is the programming style you must like ly first learned. As you will seen in this lesson:

Consider Python packages like Scikit-learn, pandas, and NumPy. These are all Python packages built with object-oriented programming. Scikit-learn, for example, is a relatively large and complex package built with object-oriented programming. This package has expanded over the years with new functionality and new algorithms.

When you train a machine learning algorithm with Scikit-learn, you don’t have to know anything about how the algorithms work or how they were coded. You can focus directly on the modeling.

Here’s an example taken from the Scikit-learn website:

from sklearn import svm 
X = [0,1][1,1]
y = [0,1]
clf = svm.SVC(),y)

How does Scikit-learn train the SVM model? You don’t need to know because the implementation is hidden with object-oriented programming. If the implementation changes, you (as a user of Scikit-learn) might not ever find out. Whether or not you should understand how SVM works is a different question.

In this lesson, you’ll practice the fundamentals of object-oriented programming. By the end of the lesson, you’ll have built a Python package using object-oriented programming.

Procedural vs. object-oriented programming

Procedural vs OOP:tv:

Objects are defined by characteristics and actions


Characteristics and actions in English grammar

you can also think that characteristic and action is in terms of english grammar. A characteristic corresponds to a noun and an action corresponds to a verb.

Let’s pick something from the real world: a dog. Some characteristics of the dog include the dog’s weight, color, breed, and height. These are all nouns. Some actions a dog can take include to bark, to run, to bite, and to eat. These are all verbs. image

Class, object, method, and attribute


Object-oriented programming (OOP) vocabulary




OOP syntax

Object-oriented programming syntax

In this video, you’ll see what a class and object look like in Python. In the next section, you’ll have the chance to play around with the code. Finally, you’ll write your own class.

Video :tv:

Function versus method

In the video above, at 1:44, the dialogue mistakenly calls init a function rather than a method. Why is init not a function?

A function and a method look very similar. They both use the def keyword. They also have inputs and return outputs. The difference is that a method is inside of a class whereas a function is outside of a class.

What is self?

If you instantiate two objects, how does Python differentiate between these two objects?

hirt_one = Shirt('red', 'S', 'short-sleeve', 15)
shirt_two = Shirt('yellow', 'M', 'long-sleeve', 20)

That’s where self comes into play. If you call the change_price method on shirt_one, how does Python know to change the price of shirt_one and not of shirt_two?


Self tells Python where to look in the computer’s memory for the shirt_one object. Then, Python changes the price of the shirt_one object. When you call the change_price method, shirt_one.change_price(12), self is implicitly passed in.

The word self is just a convention. You could actually use any other name as long as you are consisten, but you should use self to avoid confusing people.

Exercise: OOP syntax practice, part 1


You need to download three files for this exercise. These files are located on this page in the Supporting materials section.

Open the Shirt Exercise.ipynb notebook file using Jupyter Notebook and follow the instructions in the notebook to complete the exercise.

Supporting Materials Answer Tests Shirt Exercise

## Notes about OOP


Exercise: OOP syntax practice, part 2

Now that you’ve had some practice instantiating objects, it’s time to write your own class from scratch.

A Gaussian class

A Gaussian class:tv:

How the Gaussian class works

A gaussian work

Exercise: Code the Gaussian class

Open the Gaussian_code_exercise.ipynb notebook file using Jupyter Notebook and follow the instructions in the notebook to complete the exercise.

Supporting Materials Gaussian Code Exercise Numbers Answer

Magic methods

Magic methods:tv:

Exercise: Code magic methods

Open the Magic_methods.ipynb notebook file using Jupyter Notebook and follow the instructions in the notebook to complete the exercise.

Supporting Materials



Inheritance code

Inheritance code:tv:

Exercise: Inheritance with clothing

Getting started Open the Inheritance_exercise_clothing.ipynb notebook file using Jupyter Notebook and follow the instructions in the notebook to complete the exercise.

Supporting Materials

Demo: Modularized code

For the rest of the lesson, you’ll work with modularized code rather than a Jupyter Notebook. Go through the code in the modularized_code folder to understand how everything is organized.

Supporting Materials

Advanced OOP topics

Inheritance is the last object-oriented programming topic in the lesson. Thus far you’ve been exposed to:

Use the following list of resources to learn more about advanced Python object-oriented programming topics.

Making a package

In the previous section, the distribution and Gaussian code was refactored into individual modules. A Python module is just a Python file containing code.

In this next section, you’ll convert the distribution code into a Python package. A package is a collection of Python modules. Although the previous code might already seem like it was a Python package because it contained multiple files, a Python package also needs an file. In this section, you’ll learn how to create this file and then pip install the package into your local Python installation.

What is pip?

pip is a Python package manager that helps with installing and uninstalling Python packages. You might have used pip to install packages using the command line: pip install numpy. When you execute a command like pip install numpy, pip downloads the package from a Python package repository called PyPi.

For this next exercise, you’ll use pip to install a Python package from a local folder on your computer. The last part of the lesson will focus on uploading packages to PyPi so that you can share your package with the world.

Making Package:tv:

Virtual environments

Making Package:tv:

Exercise: Making a package and pip installing

This exercise requires three files, which are located on this page in the Supporting materials section.

Binomial class

Binomial class:tv:

Exercise: Binomial class

In this exercise, you’ll extend the distributions package with a new class called Binomial.

In the Supporting materials section of this page, there is a .zip file called called Download and unzip this file.

Inside the folder called 4a_binomial_package, there is another folder and these files:

pip** install your distributions package**. In the terminal, make sure you are in the 4a_binomial_package directory. If not, navigate there by entering the following at the command line:

cd 4a_binomial_package
pip install

Run the unit tests. Enter the following.

python -m unittest test

Modify the code until all the unit tests pass.

If you change the code in the distributions folder after pip installing the package, Python will not know about the changes.

When you make changes to the package files, you’ll need to run the following:

pip install --upgrade 

In the Supporting materials section of this page, there is also a solution in the 4b_answer_binomial_package. Try not to look at the solution until your code passes all of the unit tests.

Supporting Materials

Advanced Python OOP topics

Use the following resouces to learn about more advanced OOP topics that appear in the scikit-learn package:

Putting code on PyPi


Summary of the terminal commands used in the video

cd binomial_package_files
python sdist
pip install twine

# commands to upload to the pypi test repository
twine upload --repository-url dist/*
pip install --index-url dsnd-probability

# command to upload to the pypi repository
twine upload dist/*
pip install dsnd-probability

Exercise: Upload to PyPi

The Python package is located in the folder 5_exercise_upload_to_pypi.

You need to create three files:

You also need to create accounts for the pypi test repository and pypi repository.

Don’t forget to keep your passwords; you’ll need to type them into the command line.

In the terminal, make sure you are in the 5_exercise_upload_to_pypi directory. If not, navigate there by entering the following at the command line:

cd 5_exercise_upload_to_pypi

python sdist

pip install twine

Commands to upload to the PyPi test repository

twine upload --repository-url dist/*

pip install --index-url distributions

Command to upload to the PyPi repository

twine upload dist/*

pip install distributions

Supporting Materials 5 Exercise Upload To Pypi

Lesson summary


What we covered in this lesson